More versatility with a mobile wall

"Hi! We think that your system is great but can you construct the wall so we can tilt it?"

"Of course", we thought, and quickly constructed a 90 ° tiltable mobile Wall which acts as both a solid workshop wall and a space saver. In meetings the wall can be used with full functionality, while creating the perfect atmosphere, and tilted, it opens up the room and it allows for enough space for larger gatherings of people. The perfect application for any host.


Units United AG


July / August 2023

Our new conference space will soon be used by three different agencies, who all have their individual requirements. Tech and equipment has to be as flexible as possible. Thanks to FLEXFY I´m looking forward to multifunctional walls.
Florian Köster | CEO Buntspecht (Part of Units United AG)

The project in pictures

About Units United

Welcome to Units United AG - the agency for contemporary branding and business communication. In times of digitalisation, innovation pressure and competition, we provide our customers with the opportunity to realise their overarching projects and processes optimally and without friction.

Our service offers range from supporting internal change processes, contemporary live communication through to multi-channel campaigns.




Anja Schröpfer

Anja Schröpfer


Dr. Christian Walter

Dr. Christian Walter
