From a company-internal innovations contest to start-up

"Darling, what do you think about us rearranging this wall again?" These words kicked off the first pitch for the innovation contest "Die Höhle des Elefanten" (the lair of the elephant) back in 2018 at DAW.

Even though the current version of FLEXFY differs greatly from its first versions, the team still kept the vision of more versatility and functionality of indoor walls. Walls can be so much more than simple space partitions.

When the now smaller team won the DAW Innovation Symposium at the end of 2020, it quickly became clear that this topic now had to be pursued differently than traditional projects. As a result, the team set up a small workshop not far from the factory premises, where they were completely free to try out and test new wall structures and applications.

We are very proud to have advanced this far as a corporate unit and to have acquired the first customer projects as FLEXFY.
Anja Schröpfer, Business Development Manager

The project in pictures



Anja Schröpfer

Anja Schröpfer


Dr. Christian Walter

Dr. Christian Walter
