The team

Inquisitive, hands-on and open-minded - this is the foundation upon which our FLEXFY team is built.

With more than 10 years of experience in different fields within DAW, Anja and Christian provide competency in all aspects regarding customers, the market and technology. As the inventors, they have been involved since the system´s inception and have put their blood, sweat and tears into the development of FLEXFY.

Both of them have been supported recently by the addition of Lars, who applies all he has learnt and fresh perspectives from his entrepreneurship studies to complete the team. He is the link between both founders and has a passion for prototyping applications.

Speaking of passion: recently student employee Valdrin became part of the team. He helps in any way he can and he has quickly become a pillar of support for everyone.



Anja Schröpfer

Anja Schröpfer


Dr. Christian Walter

Dr. Christian Walter
